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Audi: Brussels’ largest photovoltaic installation

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2013-05-28 - An installation of photovoltaic panels with an area of 37,000 m² on the roof of Audi Brussels, in Forest, has started generating electricity from sunlight. Officially opened today, it is the largest such installation in the Brussels Region.

The use of regenerative energy enables Audi to cut its CO₂ emissions by 14,230 tonnes per year. “In this way, we produce more than 3,000 MWh of electrical power per year, corresponding to the consumption of around 1,000 four-person households", explains Gerhard Schneider, management spokesman for Audi Brussels.

The European Energy Commissioner stated at the opening ceremony that “In this way, Audi is making a significant contribution to the expansion of renewable energies in Brussels and showing how industrial development, innovative construction techniques and the expansion of renewables can be combined.”

The Environment Minister of the Brussels Region added that “Brussels’ green certificates have demonstrated their effectiveness once again. More and more companies, like Audi, are placing their confidence in this reliable and profitable mechanism. And thanks to our energy policy, Brussels will produce ten times more green electricity by 2025.”