2012-05-04 – On Friday, French actor Christophe Lambert presented his plan for the conversion of the site of the former Atlas Brewery, between Rue du Libre Examen and Rue Scheutvled in Anderlecht, a stone’s throw from the start of Rue Wayez and the canal.
The group of investors that has formed around him plan to create around a hundred lofts on this 6,500 m2 site, whose buildings, which are partly in Art Deco style, date from the early 20th century. Christophe Lambert has given assurances that the homes will be built to a high quality, in keeping with the architectural heritage. The planned investment should be between 13 and 15 million euros.
The actor explained the choice of site by emphasising his family roots in Belgium, his familiarity with Brussels and the considerable potential of this district.
The plan still needs to obtain permission, but the presence of the Anderlecht municipal authorities on Friday demonstrated their support for the project.
See the report on Télé-Bruxelles: www.telebruxelles.net
More information about the Atlas Brewery: http://biere-et-brasseries-bruxelles.skynetblogs.be
Virtual tour of the Atlas Brewery: http://biere-et-brasseries-bruxelles.skynetblogs.be