The PleinOPENair festival will takes place this summer along the Canal with a busy schedule for the month of August. It is a festive event that incites interaction with and reflection on the city.
The festival will start on 12 and 13 August on the Quai de Biestebroeck with two evenings of films and concerts:
- Friday 12 august: Degurutieni in concert at 20pm, and the Argentine film "The Man Next Door" (“El hombre de al lado”) de Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat, a Belgium preview.
- Saturday 13 august : concert with Persian sounds of BooDooRoo Brussels, before plunging into the poetry of the Italian film "La Pivellina" of Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, which takes us to the outskirts of Rome, in a world of caravans and street performers.
PleinOPENair program can be found here