2021.01.08 - The Urban Development Corporation (SAU), in consultation with the City of Brussels and the Region’s Chief Architect, has selected five teams from among the 46 responses to the call for expressions of interest launched in November 2020 for the design of the new Magasin 4 concert venue.
The following five multidisciplinary architectural teams have been asked to submit a design for this new cultural facility, which the City of Brussels, together with the SAU, will build on a site at the corner of Avenue du Port and Rue de l’Entrepôt, near Tour & Taxis:
- Karbone architecture et urbanisme (Brussels)
- Zed architects (Mechelen)
- Czvek Rigby - Laura Muyldermans (Brussels)
- Studio d’architecture Muoto (Paris)
- Central (Brussels)
At the end of 2020, an accord was concluded between the City of Brussels, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Port of Brussels and the SAU under which the alternative punk-rock venue would be given a permanent home. The accord between these partners provides for a concession between the Port and the City of Brussels for the land, the financing of Magasin 4’s future building under Urban Regeneration Contract 1 ‘Citroën-Vergote’, and an agreement between the City and the SAU, which will act as project manager for the construction of the new concert venue.